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Self Reporting via Email or Website

The Centre for Paramedic Education and Research (CPER) considers self-reporting an important part of paramedic practice: it equates to professionalism and is a form of education through self-remediation. The Base Hospital strives to improve not only individual paramedic performance but system performance through clinical audit, self-reports, and educational processes. All processes are linked in order to reach a common goal, to improve patient safety and outcomes. Self-reports may include, but are not limited to, medical directive variances, documentation omissions, patch failure or omissions, or any challenges a paramedic may encounter during a call. Contacting the BHP during a call or after to identify an issue is best practice however the CPER office still requires a self-report submitted for review.

The formation of email address to house all self-reports and inquiries by paramedics in order to create a uniform method and central location to send your emails or submit via our website. This does not suggest that you are not able to contact an educator or CQI representitive for discussion, however all self-report emails or inquiries will be sent to this email address including those that are submitted via our website option above. Once received, the Paramedic will be sent confirmation that the self-report was received via email and the call will be reviewed.

For an Inquiry or Self-Report Email Please Send to

Please Include: Paramedic Name, Service Name, Call Date,Run Number and the Nature of incident